Support LV
Support LV
We’re only able to represent you with the support we get from you. Although faculty council members receive a grant, part of which is donated to the party, we are always happy to receive a donation!
More importantly, we encourage all students to get active within politics and support student participation within faculty and university decisions. This could be through talking with classmates and professors about planned changes and current happenings, joining a faculty or university party, or simply through voting. We are always happy to receive feedback or opinions from students within our faculty on what changes they would or would not like to see.
Letteren Vooruit receives no funding from the University, which means that it only exists because of donations. If you want to support the work we do, we’re happy to receive a donation. Get in contact with our treasurer below!
Become a member
To represent all students at the Faculty of Arts requires a lot of our commitment. We’re open for your support in our Support Faction. Get in contact to join us.
Run for Letteren Vooruit
Faculty Council elections are held very year. If you want to become a faculty council member of Letteren Vooruit, support us by applying for a position on our candidate list.